Lunch Talk

September 20, 2017, 14:15 - 14:45 in Room B

PerfLoc: Performance Evaluation of Smartphone Indoor Localization Apps

by Nader Moayeri, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA


PerfLoc is a prize competition organized by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for development and performance evaluation of smartphone indoor localization and tracking apps based on a comprehensive repository of smartphone sensor, RF signal strength, and GPS data collected by NIST in four large buildings occupying more than 30,000 square meters of space and instrumented with 900+ professionally surveyed test points for performance evaluation purposes. Interested individuals and organizations can still enter the PerfLoc Prize Competition and develop their apps by January 17, 2018.

The PerfLoc website ( ) can be daunting. In this hands-on presentation, we will go over the PerfLoc website to show how to navigate the website and use its capabilities. We will also make a case for why it is important for folks in the IPIN community to participate in the PerfLoc Prize Competition.