Call for Journal-to-Conference Track

Similar to IPIN 2023, IPIN 2024 continues the collaboration with the IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation (J-ISPIN) to launch the Journal-to-Conference Track during the conference. The Journal-to-Conference Track enables the articles published in the J-ISPIN to be presented in IPIN 2024. 


  • Potential article needs to be accepted and published at J-ISPIN before 29 July 2024.
  • The contributions of the work have not been presented by the same authors at any edition of IPIN conference, to avoid repeated presentation.
  • An onsite oral presentation (similar to Regular Paper) is provided during the conference.
  • The application is submitted before 29 July 2024.

How to Apply

To participate the Journal-to-Conference Track, the author of an eligible J-ISPIN published article needs to submit an application to the official mailbox of IPIN 2024 ( before 29 July 2024, including the following information:

  • Subject: J-ISPIN Journal-to-Conference Track Application
  • Email Address:
  • Title of J-ISPIN article:
  • Author list of J-ISPIN article:
  • Full name of Associate Editor assigned to J-ISPIN article:
  • Date of publication of J-ISPIN article (DD/MM/YYYY):
  • I confirm that this article is *not* an extension of a previously published conference paper, with overlapping contributions (Yes / No, comment):
  • Public link to published paper in J-ISPIN proceedings:

Notes for Acceptance

  • This track only provides an additional opportunity to present the work, and will not be included into the conference proceedings.
  • The published version of the article is sufficient for the application. No need to submit an additional manuscript with the conference publication format.
  • Decision will be made based on the eligibility, no need to undergo a peer review process.