IPIN 2024 paper submissions are divided into two tracks, Regular Papers and Work-In-Progress Papers, with separate submission formats and review processes. Authors can decide the track to submit. 

Please submit your manuscripts via the IPIN 2024 submission page according to the following instructions and the deadlines shown in the side box. Deadlines are intended at 23:59 AoE.

Regular Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit original and unpublished full papers with up to 6 pages (including references) in English, following the IEEE Conference Paper Format. Please do not submit any paper longer than 6 pages for initial review. Submitted papers undergo a single-blind review process by at least two reviewers from qualified TPC members. After acceptance and successful revision, the camera-ready full paper for final submission may be up to 8 pages long (pages exceeding 6 will be charged additional fees). Accepted paper is required to provide an onsite oral presentation. After the conference, accepted Regular Papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The following is the submission procedure:

  • Login (or register for new users) on the IPIN 2024 submission page
  • Select new Regular Paper Submission
  • Select the session for submission, Special Sessions (SS) are sub-divisions from Regular Papers
  • Fill in Paper and Author information
  • Upload the pdf file of the full paper following the IEEE format
  • Submit 
  • Authors can still edit their submission before the deadline 

Work-In-Progress Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit original and unpublished work-in-progress papers with limited to 5-9 single-column pages (including references) in English, following the CEUR-WS single-column page format (template links for Word and LaTeX). Please do not submit any paper longer than 9 pages. Submissions undergo a single-blind review process by at least two reviewers from qualified TPC members. After acceptance and successful revision, the camera-ready file needs to be uploaded. Accepted paper is required to provide an onsite poster presentation. After the conference, accepted WiP papers will be submitted to, which is currently indexed by Scopus, Ei Compendex and DBLP. The following is the submission procedure:

  • Login (or register for new users) on the IPIN 2024 submission page
  • Select new WIP Submission
  • Fill in Paper and Author information
  • Upload the pdf file of the paper following the CEUR-WS single-column format
  • Submit 
  • Authors can still edit their submission before the deadline