Call for Papers
IPIN solicits submission of high quality technical papers reporting original work not previously published, nor currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Papers are submitted as one of two types:
- Regular paper: limited to 8 IEEE format pages, for oral presentation
- Work-in-Progress (WiP) paper: between 5-16 single-column CEUR-WS format pages, for poster or oral presentation
Manuscripts are submitted according to the instructions for authors. Papers undergo a single-blind review process by at least two reviewers. Accepted regular papers are submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library, accepted WiP papers to, which is currently indexed by Scopus, Ei Compendex and DBLP. Best papers are awarded during the conference.
Topics of interest include:
- Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Applications of Location Awareness & Context Detection
- Benchmarking, assessment, evaluation, standards
- Health and Wellness Applications
- Human Motion Monitoring and modeling
- Indoor maps, Indoor Spatial Data Model & Indoor Mobile Mapping, and 3D building models
- Indoor positioning, navigation and tracking methods
- AoA, TOF, TDOA based localization
- Cooperative, machine learning systems
- Frameworks for Hybrid Positioning
- Hybrid IMU Pedestrian Navigation & Foot Mounted Navigation
- Magnetic field based methods
- Mapping, SLAM
- Optical Systems
- RFID, radar, device-free systems
- Routing in indoor environments
- Signal Strength Based Methods, Fingerprinting
- Ultrasound Systems
- Innovative Systems
- Location-based services and applications
- Privacy and security for ILS
- Robotics and UAV
- Seamless systems
- High Sensitivity GNSS, Indoor GNSS, Pseudolites
- RTK GNSS with handheld devices
- Mitigating GNSS errors prior to moving indoors
- Industrial Metrology & Geodetic Systems, iGPS
- Self-contained sensors
- User Requirements for location based systems
- Wearable and multi-sensor systems
The conference includes keynotes, tutorials and industry exhibitions.
Important dates
- Paper Submission: 15 May 2021 Extended to 31 May 2021
- Notification of Papers Acceptance: 21 June 2021
- Camera-ready submission: 31 July 2021 extended to 15 September 2021